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 BabyFetus Ticker
on Thursday, May 12, 2011

Week 26: Baby's now the size of an eggplant!
Baby's soaking up your antibodies, getting his immune system ready for life outside the womb. Eyes are forming, and he'll soon be practicing the blink...perfect for batting those freshly grown lashes.

Nothing much to report here. Everything is just getting a little bit more difficult. Walking, sleeping, moving, and just about anything else you can think of. The bigger this lil dude gets the less comfortable I am getting. But hey...that's what I signed up for an I have another 11-12 weeks of this in my near future.

on Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 25:
Baby's now the size of an eggplant!
That oh-so-handy sense of equilibrium is kicking in, and baby's learning to distinguish right side up from upside down.

Mom and I started the sewing projects for the baby's room this weekend. We finished the fitted sheet and crib skirt and the fabrics really look great together. Once the rest of the pieces are completed I will post up the pictures for all to see.

on Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week 24- Baby's now the size of a papaya!

Baby's skin is becoming more opaque as the fat starts to pack on. And, thanks to the formation of small capillaries, his newly thick skin is taking on a fresh pink glow.

As much as we love your company, take a break from the computer if your fingers feel numb or tingly. It's probably carpal tunnel syndrome, often brought on by pregnancy. Stretch your hands frequently to loosen them up. For significant symptoms, try wrist braces or splints at nighttime.

Well, this week we encountered the dreaded glucose test. And because of what i ate in the morning, I barely failed the test by only a couple of points. Though the dr knows it was most likely due to what I ate, they still have to make me complete the "3 hour" glucose test. That means, 4 hours spent at the hospital, fasting for at least 12 hours before, another nasty sugar thick drink, and 4 blood draws over the 4 hours. Not looking forward to that.

We are slowly moving forward on the baby front. The stroller is ordered and on its way, fabric is all purchased and washed, and we are starting the sewing bonanza at moms house this weekend to get the crib and window dressings started.

Next visit to see the doctor we schedule the c-section, so unless the little man decides to come before 39 weeks, we will have a scheduled birth day! From what we learned this last visit, he is actually a little ahead in the weight and length category, so there actually is a chance that if he keeps on this pace, he will come earlier. We shall see!

on Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Baby's now the size of a papaya!
23 Weeks-
Baby's little face is fully formed...minus the baby fat, of course. The next task at hand for baby: sprouting two teeny-tiny nipples!
Swollen from head to toe? Increased blood flow, by now an old friend, is to blame. Consider a trip to the shoe store because loosening ligaments will cause your feet to expand even more in the weeks to come.
Nothing is really swelling at this point. My feet, legs, and hands have been fine up to this point. Fabrics have been chosen for the little mans room. Mom and I will start to make all the pieces once she gets back from their cruise back east. Then its the start of baby showers and getting the rest of the room put together. Now that we know that we are 100% going the c-section route, which means they will deliver me at 39 weeks, we can officially say that there is only 16 more weeks till little man arrives.

on Friday, April 8, 2011

Week 22: Baby's now the size of a papaya! Baby's settling into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop. Real estate within your belly is getting tight, with growing baby leaving little room for your lungs to...well...breathe. Expect the huffing and puffing to start soon. There's not much room for your belly button, either -- it'll pop out any day now. Its been a rough week with my hip. Walking, standing, and laying down all hurt in some way. We have been having issues with the orthopedic doctor being non responsive so we still have no final answers on the current and future state of my hip and how it will relate to birth. This weekend I am hoping to finalize the fabrics for the baby's room. I am not good with matching fabrics together so it has been a challenge to say the least. Once we have them picked out I will post a picture. :)


on Friday, April 1, 2011

Baby's now the size of a banana!

Baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion, and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth. And, if baby is a girl, her womb is now stocked up wither her lifetime supply of six million eggs (the number will drop to around one million by birth).

Well, we now know that last part doesn't pertain to us cause Baby-C is a BOY!!! It took all of about 5 seconds into the ultrasound for the lil man to show us his goods. That was about all he cooperated for during that ultra sound. It took twice as long as it usually does for the tech to get all the pics she needed cause the lil man did not want to play nice. We even had to get us and walk around a few times and shake my belly a bit all to try and coax him to turn so that she could get a chest shot of his heart. But after an hour it was time to give up cause it was clear he was not going to move. In fact, the profile picture below is actually him with his back towards us (you can see the spine) looking over his shoulder at us like is he is pissed off saying "would you just leave me alone!?!"

That's two legs and his little manly parts in between! :)

Pissed off profile shot~

HALF WAY THERE!! Woo hoo!!!

on Friday, March 25, 2011

Baby's now the size of a cantaloupe!
Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies respond best to tastes they've already had via amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you'd like your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch.
Whoo hoo...we are at the half way point, and if we have a c-section we are officially over the hump of the half way point! So Monday is the big day..we find out if Baby-C is a he or she!! Well...if baby decides to cooperate for the ultrasound that is...so keep your fingers crossed. Seeing how extremely active he/she has been in all of our other ultra sounds, I feel our tech will have quite the challenge on her hands. During this appointment we should also be finding out the detailed results of my MRI. If it is what the doctor expects we will also be scheduling the c-section as well. We will let you all know the outcome(s)! :)