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Visit to Usk

on Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Last weekend we had the chance to drive east of the mountains and visit Mom and Pops Corkins. And a visit to Usk wouldn't be complete without a trip to the fair (larger than we expected I might add... we were very impressed), a ride in the 57 Chevy(finally finished enough to drive...yay!), and golf.

Sampson and Ruby nose to nose...he couldn't understand that ruby was not a big dog and did not want to play...

Katie riding in style with Cork...

The 57 is finally up and running....Cork had a great time showing TJ how powerful the engine really is...

The weekend activities included the usual round of golf. Cork, TJ, and two family friends- Chet and Bill, played at the local course (Chewelah Golf and Country Club). All played really well...here are a few photos to recap the game.

Corks shot of the day...almost chipped it in!!

TJs usual state of golf concentration.

The guys driven along.

Waiting for their turn.

This year we were lucky to be visiting while the fair was still in session. We finally got to see for ourselves, JC and Cork's many winning entries. JC entered a variety of items from her garden, including veggies, fruit (bonus points for being inventive and titling the over ripened and dry grapes "raisins" :) ), and flowers. She got so many ribbons we lost count.

Here are just a few of the many winning veggies...

Here are some of the winning flowers...

Cork entered in two photos, both recieving ribbons.

And the fair wouldn't be complete without some farm animals...

As you can see, it was a very eventful and fun weekend. Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we enjoyed being there and taking them.

~Erin and TJ

2008 Blue Angels

on Friday, August 1, 2008

Very cool stuff to see the practice today...from the 73rd floor! Thanks Noe!
I took these in the observation deck of the B of A Tower (73rd floor). Enjoy!